a.k.a. Alan Levine's wiki home for the duration (maybe after) of being an Open Learning Scholar October 2014 - March 2015

I've ridden this bus before
Alan Levine feels weird writing about himself in the third person.
He is recognized for expertise in the application of new technologies to education. A pioneer on the web in the 1990s and an early proponent of blogs and RSS, he shares his ideas and discoveries at Among his recent interests are new forms of web storytelling (including 50+ Web Ways To Tell a Story, pechaflickr, and the StoryBox), as well as leading and teaching the open digital storytelling class, ds106.
Most recently he was instructional technology specialist at the University of Mary Washington, following leadership positions at the New Media Consortium and the Maricopa Community Colleges. Currently he is exploring new options under the banner of his own creation CogDog.It.
When possible, he enjoys the peace of a little cabin in Strawberry, Arizona. His interests include digital photography, bending WordPress to his whims, and randomly dipping into the infinite river of the internet.
He is done talking about himself.
Webs woven, tattered, etc
- CogDogBlog (main blog)
- CogDog Info (landing site)
- flickr photos
- Barking Dog Studios (best photos) (maybe)