Teaching and Learning Resources Portal/Distance Technologies/OER
TRU Open Ed Resources, Pt.1--Terry Anderson 1. Open Scholars
-want to create persistent resources--still available after course end date
-Open Data Commons: NSERC, SSHRC grants require researchers to post data here
--Institutional Repository
--if it's not licensed, it's not open: license publications at Creative Commons. This doesn't mean you're giving up copyright. "Attribution" is the "gold standard" of OERs.
2. Open Access Journals are still peer-reviewed -they're going to depend on SSHRC (or other gov't funding)--but less of it. Then the resources will be used by more people.
-Directory of Open Access Journals
-you can't copyright an idea
copyright has restricted scientific development; patents would be more the issue now (my idea--drugs).
BC Campus Open Textbook
openstaxcollege.org/books oercommons.org
onlinebooks (u penn)
Creative Commons
Google Advanced Search
MERLOT: Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
Khan Academy
4. Open Educational Practice -developing and applying open/public reaches and teaching, research and service practice -how do you implement oERs? select, reuse, evaluate
-in BC, there's an Open Textbook Initiative: BC Campus Open Ed
saylor.org "free education"--Saylor University
TRU Open Ed Resources Pt.2—Ron McGivern
--open access is part of our TRU Strategic Priorities
-open learning educational credit bank
-TRU Provost Fellow in Teaching and Learning: Melissa Jakubec
-open and flexible learning environments-e.g. Major in Criminology is Blended—contains some required OL courses—for budget reasons
-open access is required, as well as laddering so if people leave early they get a credential, aren’t just a ‘drop out’: exit and entry points
-OL mandate is to seek OER path first in curriculum development
Open Ed Resource universitas: Collaboration & Transformation
Irwin DeVries
OERu=a global partnership, no longer using the word "university" -committed to free courses & programs based on OERs: content is free, but feedback and support is not. It would be offered on a "fee for service" model that would cost less than usual tuition (why?)
-OERu located on WikiEducator. Here, whole course can be turned into a PDF and printed out if necessary.
-OERu's goal is to move away from relying PLAR for accreditation; the courses will be preapproved and then student will prove competency through an exam. "PLAR doesn't scale well."
-goal is to expand student body--students that wouldn't be taking courses otherwise
-"unbundles" local education--teacher, content, student don't have to be in the same place (?)
-Open design and development: -involves using OER AND making OER -encourages greater collaboration among faculty
-4R's: reuse, redistribute, revise, remix--& #5: retain
-OE practices -Google Hangout
Rajiv Jhangiani, PhD
Open textbooks
-RJ was inspired by David Wylie's talk on open textbooks at last years OL workshop
-cost of textbooks has increased by 812% over 30 years!!! -60%+ of students have decided against buy the textbook
Open Pedagogy: Wikipedia initiative -"disposable assignments"=? time sinks -"valuable assignments"=locate articles in Wikipedia, update & revise them, add citations and more balanced research. Fixing the problem of Wikipedia rather than railing against it
-instead of a 10 page term paper that takes a long time to grade (although the feedback may not be read by students), students can do something "real": e.g. add biographical entries to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. Creating something useful.
Advantages of using open textbooks: -students save $ -greater access and convenience for students -instructors can adapt, update, & remix the source: increase of academic freedom -better student performance & retention -institutional advantages: easier to market courses and recruit students -for practitioners of "open pedagogy" (i.e. someone who shares materials with colleagues), open textbooks allow you to live more closely in concert with your values
Practical suggestions: -read the book reviews -the texts can be edited in Word, but Pressbooks is better: Pressbooks is a flexible tool, document can be converted into any format -you can delete cahpters or add/remove sections -embed assignments & pedagogical goals=the equivalent of OL "course units" would be blended into the open textbook -embed multimedia--bring textbook to life -students will need to be guided in how to use the open textbook -collect student feedback