Help:Adding Media/Flash Files

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Adding Flash Files

  1. Uploaded File
    • Flash files (.swf) can be embedded (after it has been uploaded) using <flash>file=filename.swf|width=100|height=100></flash> where width and height are optional and in number of pixels.
    • For more options and information, go to MediaWiki's Flash information page.
  2. Flash File on the Web
    • Similarly, if there is a flash file stored somewhere on the web, use <flashow>URL|width=100|height=100</flashow> where URL is the web address of the file including http:// and width and height are in pixels and optional.
    • For more options and information, go to MediaWiki's Flashow information page.

Specific Flash examples

Basically, you'll need to strip out all of the unnecessary information in the embed code provided to you by the platform you are using. The easiest way to learn this is just to copy the code that works (as below) and substitute your file information from the info in the code examples below (again, be sure you are on the edit page to view the code).


Your sid and password for your map will be in the html embed code under "Menu" on the bottom of your map. Look for something like: sid=338190&pw=yaoFwWCVZkqtUNTNwVVh1bUExc1NHMg. Cut and paste the sid and pw info after the flashvars=? as in the code below:

Wiki Code Display
<flash>file=View.swf‎ |width=500|height=300 |flashvars=?sid=338190&pw=yaoFwWCVZkqtUNTNwVVh1bUExc1NHMg</flash> width=500|height=300 |flashvars=?sid=338190&pw=yaoFwWCVZkqtUNTNwVVh1bUExc1NHMg<</flash>


Wiki Code Display
<flashow>|width=600|height=300</flashow> width=600|height=300</flashow>

See Also

First draft of this page derived from: