Documentation:ETUG Spring 11

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Session: Alan Levine

Openness - playful, should be having fun


Requires open attitudes

Shrinking of distance between students and experts

Various ways of following a course without not necessarily participating in a full curriculum (e.g. Grant Potter's radio station)

Session: Open videos

Open content

Open educators - access to experts' educating processes

Open learning - deconstructs knowledge as a moving target - knowledge as negotiated -takes away hierarchy of right and truth - gives us all power in knowledge

Blogging with students

Where he does most of his learning

Where he meaningfully connects to other educators

Personal learning space not PLN

E.g Da Vinci project - blog became their notebook and got to share it

Learn more by sharing than by searching

Learn with each other and help each other learn

Keeps everyone connected even outside of school

Students taking over learning in the school

We often are confined by the laws in our classrooms - we "thin the walls" (Couros)

"How can you use blogs to enhance your own learning?"

"Flexibility of purpose" Open to developing communities

Session - Open Educational Resource Use Scott Leslie, Peter Arthur, David Porter

OE supply side but not much use Future for recycled learning resources in higher ed? BC Campus $9 million in OERs so far Mostly don't know what happens after the fact "OER s have many different goals but one of them was specifically to enable frictionless sharing Wiley 4 R model - right to reuse, revise, remix, redistribute - CC licenses CC enables these 4 rights Questions - why are reuse and remis of OER not more common as an instructional development practice Learners - more informal learning 9% users are educators - rest is public More in NA than in developing countries Majority of use by educators is in PD - Kahn Academy videos replicated inArabic Affordance of media simplifies reuse - e.g. new soundtrack over video OERu model Collect resources - learn - do PLAR or challenge - or use basis to get upper level entries Rather than creating courses, create resources Open assessement and student adminstration as parts of the model Incentives for involvement in OERs and use of them: - framework tied to the literature (from - much reuse within own organization (UBC) Faculty comfortable with traditional model Access Copyright is a catalyst Context - people have a hard time clicking edit on a Wiki Much knowledge building needs to be done Look up Brian Lamb's ->how to keep things open Need success stories before cultural shift happens Ethnographic research required as well - to understand the workflow

Use librarians to find OERs? code (can find open materials)

Copyright Fair use-US concept stronger than Canadian Demand letters--e.g Getty images - scouring Internet and getting letters with invoices UBC using CC materials for many applications - set up web page for fee educational events - asserted that UBC was not non commercial enterprise (def of non commercial in CC not as clear as it used to be) - also didn't like the attribution (used Flickr user name rather than real name for attribution) Share and share alike is seen by artists and creators as being used by like organizations - even blogs that carry advertising may be seen as a commercial use - many people making money on the Internet - artists troubled by lack of engagement from users of images has repertoire in public domain Difficulties - ok in classroom but not at a conference or classroom setting In Canada - research, private study, criticism, comment, news reporting Limited body of cases in Canada - legal advisors tend to be conservative Fair dealing is a fairness test - subjective -purpose, character, a mount, alternatives, nature, effect on the work

Open Universities Open source software - benefits Possible to design university infrastructure using open source software? All faculty staff students actively contributing to OSS community EG not just using but also enhancing Open Scholar concept as well - transparent, maximize social learning, contribute OERs, open research and publishing - Open Access publication - two roads -- golden road - open journal or green road -self publish AU Press directory of open access journals (why not have faculty look for open resources?) - Open gov - make government information more available publicly Learning analytics another form of potential open data Move toward datasets toward students - let them see where they're going and receive advice on achievement of their learning outcomes What data is being gathered about students - how available is it to them? Who owns that data? OERs - 4 Rs Open textbooks Open pedagogies - digital storytelling, es106 mooc - PLENK2010 - courses visible to anyone - students as co creators, Open scholar Michael Strangelove - Peer to Peer Univ Univ of the People OER university - based on work of Wayne McIntosh Design activity - software, resources, pedagogies Ideas from University of Catelonia - new concepts of LMS Not enough just to use - also to contribute What learner support is also necessary? What business model "Open pedagogies" Moodlemoot

Teaching technologies - faculty Handling teacher expectations in terms of support Technologist supporting faculty for one semester Challenge - deliver as much support to as many courses as possible Assigned to work with instructors on blog project Instructor wanted to know latest technologies and tools to use Weekly posts aggregated into final posts Worked as collaboration with Ed Tech and instructor/or help out with the dirty work (2 different views) How the solution is framed at the beginning and a clear message is important (IDEA - let instructor and support negotiate own learning goals) Q - solution in search of a problem - support often wants to know how to use tech without identifying need A - anti-technology workshops - don't use tech unless it makes your life easier or supports learning A - doesn't have to be a problem that technology is going to fix (need time to play with it) A - let people play but they have to share some of what they learned in Wiki Sense of play is important - need safe place to try things out Open attitude is important Some faculty commit to technology too early and then need help in middle of course when it's not the right technology Q - How many use parameters before letting people use tech? A - Some are just wide open A - We need a framework for innovation and adoption of technology A - Collaborative process - but also need to be pedagogical guide - sometimes you have to be the voice to speak to them A - No one right answer - depends on individual needs A - Need technology innovation framework A - Use Twitter or other "IM" tool for faculty and techs/IDs to use A - Use social network to help A - Need to build human connection - to make good things happen - can't always force good ideas on others A - Works better to bring disciplines A few summary points from the group - ask questions - play - peer support - know your audience - share things that work - allow needs and goals to emerge - culture is important - this is a "meta profession" - need to apply many different sets of skills - please engage your IT department early in the process

Facilitating - Social networking - Sylvie Currie and Cindy Xin Facilitation = moderating functions - communcative acts - cognitive and communicative - support interaction - keep conversation alive - involves both teachers and students - critique of community of inquiry model - get Cindy's paper - cognitive, social, teaching and collaborative presence - - highly context dependent - not just process but process and content - facilitating in the open is quite different - overwhelmed with information and updates (i.e. MOOC) - meaning of open - examples: -- formal, informal --discussion forum for online courses - could be credit course with others invited in or able to view while not officially enrolled --credit students but also audit students --discussion forum is open in that it exposes the thinking of all students in an online course --disagree - online discussion not open because it's limited to the course and it's hard to be aware of those who are in the course but not engaged in the discussion --also need time for private and public times in a course --sometimes being closed is important as well --blogs (e.g. Stephen Downes' blog) or "my amazing stories" --some courses open to wider discussion - invite K-12 students to bring in their families --ephemeral hashtag discussions on Twitter --Open = not prescribed people participating --Hegel - freedom is recognition of necessity - thus need to understand need to participate in open activities Activity - Generating cases of open types of activities - gravitate to the one that interests you - take one question from each TWITTER CHATS - unstructured place - not much moderation, can't do much to keep people from crashing the party - give people sense of what the unexpected might be in case people "crash the tag" - eg DS106 radio - in open range of expression modes is more flexible - can have sense of fun - people who try to own a Twitter tag don't get the ephemeral nature of the medium - hashtags are a way to facilitate discussion but by nature ephemeral - that's the nature of it ONLINE DISCUSSIONS - how to handle volume - (came up in the MOOC sense) - not possible to respond to everything - how to manage a discussion forum in terms of its size - what is optimal size? depends on task inside discussion forum - some expectations (wrong) that we need to respond to every post) - not only facilitator but tap others on the shoulder to take on particular role - e.g. synthesizing and summarizing then cast forward - like traffic control - need guidelines around protocols - e.g. respect toward others - whether there should be time frame (permanently open or start and end date) - allow them to breathe - allow time to grow - having all the past discussions available gets them a sense of the culture that has developed MOOCS - how MOOC might be inclusive - see the profiles and presence of everyone - how do we know if participants are satisfied - follow backchannels - have them create learning path and objectives

Turning Social Media to Enterprise UBC wiki - university wide - accessible to anyone (CWL required) not course based year long Beta - > 3000 users 3.8 M page views Q - how to keep Wiki organized (e.g. object findable) bottom up rather than top down grown community gathering policies grown from user base

ORGANIZATION Wiki divided - no single minded purpose but a space for collaboration and resource development- Spaces: 1. Main Space information about UBC - "encyclopedia" central page with lists of resources (e.g. pubs on campus, lists of pubs 2. Course spaces - LMS - LOs into the Wiki eg Math course - whole course portal including homework pages, discussions, decided not to use Vista Poli sci - use for forum (Liquid Threads add on for discussions) 3. Documentation can be constantly updated eg eportfolio, ETC courses, etc. all is available on the web 4. Sandbox anyone can go in and do what they want - no rules don't index it formally eg student in library education - did project on Wiki rather than turning it in Q - why choose Media Wiki? main criteria - mature active developer community Q - naming protocol for pages - namespace:UBC nomenclature of course codes - not always used but mostly ok - is you use course namespaces it will update index automatically Q - concept of Wiki gardener? Problem with Wiki this size is it isn't seen as community but more as a tool Trying to use best practices in terms of policies Wiki is just now starting to gel together as a community space Don't just service Wiki but also communicate with users Not all content needs to be on Wiki Library uses Wiki as CMS - content then goes out to library website Page in Wiki for library branch hours - then gets pulled into library website also goes into other locations - one person updates and gets updated across the various locations Q - how has it been publicized A - growth has been organic - mainly word of mouth CMS - course content pulled from Wiki - if they have WP plugin or embed code Information is available for wider distribution - all available from Can develop content as formatted book then download as PDF URLs handled as footnotes Also credits content providers - BLOG BuddyPress in the front end Very few support requests with over 7k users Can set up groups, friend and unfriend Will have privacy control at page level Dynamic platform - getting publishing every few seconds in busy times Every student should have a blog to use as eportfolio Is also available for alumni - in perpetuity Wikiembed - can make course notes available in Wiki and blog and then load into LMS Can push open as far as you want Javascript - wikiembed - refresh based on frequency desired (configure) plug in like Twitter - PulsePress theme (control panel behind to configure - refrehses as you go - can use for students to ask questions etc. Can develop new website based on template - WP panel Now over 350 websites in develop Remove technology overhead from faculties and schools who use it (like Google menu - can expand services available) Three layers - tech, support units, users Q - can provide comments on entries? A - yes Q - University invested in Vista - how can you justify resources put into this? A - Addresses needs where open is required or desired Saves costs of individual websites - one central platform that's aways up to date Didn't mandate - just made available for everyone Q - isn't UBC looking at LMS - was this considered in the deliberation? A - this is a bit of a leap of the imagination - don't have basic things like automatic enrolment - would like to see more people doing it - viable and superior alternatives to LMSs Example as CMS Commons based sustainability Built to be reusable - see documentation space All guides and internal reuse of content available on Wiki YouTube style embeds can be used to refresh constantly - or embed given version from Wiki "How is the Web changing education?" We still have time to shape the web as educators