Documentation:CNIEConference/Pre-conference Workshops

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Drawing on Walls: Opening Up Visual Practice Possibilities (AM and PM) This one day experiential workshop takes place almost entirely at the drawing surface. We’ll start by warming up our drawing muscles and silencing those pesky inner censors. We’ll build some basic drawing practices so we can release our minds and attention to how we can use them at the conference, in our work and any place! We will practice a few examples of participatory graphic facilitation activities. You can expect to go away with your own starter set of icons, ideas and approaches which you can use immediately, links to resources and communities of practice, and ideas about how to hone your practice.

Facilitator: Nancy Whyte Technical Resources Resource Requirements


How to Gamify Learning and Instruction (Part 1 A.M)

Description: Wondering what this ‘Gamification’ thing is all about? Is it something you could apply in your ID work? This tutorial will explain what gamification is, and isn’t, and how one might integrate some of the best aspects of gamification into the design of learning. The presenter will outline a design that has been used both f2f and online and suggest ways these ideas could be implemented in almost any course or training session. Agenda

  • Introduction: Brief overview of the day’s tutorial and introductions.
  • What’s All the Buzz?: What is Gamification; Gamification is not new. An inadvertent con? What IS new? Designing Instruction to be Playful
  • Case Study: Gamification design. What kind of tech/application support is needed?
  • Discusion: What elements could/would you incorporate into your instructional designs?
  • Break
  • Guided Exercises: The gameful syllabus, turning assignments into quests, re-organizing grading schemes to be more gameful
  • Questions? Issues? Feedback?

A Magic Bullet: Choosing and Using Games for the Classroom (Part 2 P.M)

The use of digital games for learning is becoming ever more popular, but there are few ways to analyse and assess these games. Research on the efficacy of games is growing, but it still won’t help administrators, classroom teachers, and other educators decide whether a particular game is a viable candidate for use in their school or classroom. This tutorial will introduce participants to the general considerations that are important when assessing games and work through the analysis of several games using the presenter’s own “Magic Bullet” - a simple model for assessing the learning potential of digital games. Agenda

  • Introduction
  • The Challenge: Games for Learning
  • Magic Bullet Model for Educational Games
  • Questions and Answers
  • Guided Exercies
  • Debriefing: Where does that leave us?

Facilitator: Katrin Becker, MSc, PhD, CID President, Mink Hollow Media, Ltd, Canada Adjunct Professor, Mount Royal University, Canada Katrin is an award winning, internationally known expert in the design and analysis of Serious Games. She holds two degrees in computer science and a PhD in Educational Technology with a focus on instructional game design. She is a certified instructional designer with a graduate certificate in serious game design and research. With over 30 years of teaching experience in Science, Engineering, Education, and Art, she has taught computer science, videogame design, digital game-based learning, and technical writing. Her teaching innovations have been internationally recognized and she is widely published in the areas of computer science education, educational technology. She designs and develops eLearning in all sectors, and has consulted for various organizations on the use of digital games for instructional purposes. She has designed and developed several educational and advertising games. She is also the author of a book on the technical aspects of simulations and games written for non-technical people.

Finally, perhaps as counterpoint to her work in and with digital technology, she runs a small farm where she has been raising waterfowl and other animals for over twenty years. This farm forms the basis for her “Ducks in the Classroom” program, which provided eggs for hatching in classrooms locally from 1988-2012, and information on school hatching projects globally since 2001.

Technical Requirements:

Resource Requirements:

The Innovation Lab Presents: Soundcamp (Part 1 A.M)

SoundCamp is a participatory workshop on the principles of audio recording and podcasting. Participants will learn the basics of choosing equipment, capturing sound, incorporating external sound sources, editing and publishing. Over the course of the workshop, groups of participants will create and share their own creative audio pieces.

Facilitators: Brian Lamb - Director of Innovation at Thompson Rivers University (TRU). Brian moved on to TRU after more than a decade with UBC, where he founded some of the earliest campus services for blogs and wikis in higher education. He’s been a Research Fellow at Utah State University’s Center for Open and Sustainable Learning (COSL), and a Visiting Researcher at Barcelona’s Open University of Catalonia. He mutters ill-tempered observations on his weblog:

Jason Toal – Interaction Specialist , SFU Educational Media

Jon Fulton – Video Producer, TRU Open Learning Curriculum Development Team is a video producer for Thompson Rivers University Open Learning. Responsible for creating pedagogically driven media pieces for distance courses. His business card should read “Image Acquisition and Manipulation” although he also has extensive experience in audio manipulation; once creating a 3 min sound composition based entirely from a single puff of his asthma inhaler.

Grant Potter – UNBC E-Learning Coordinator CTLT

Technical Requirements: Internet, projector and audio. 127 Resource Requirements:

Agenda 8:30 Gear – What do I use to record sound? 9:30 Recording Basics – What to know before you hit record 10:00 How to edit – What to do with the sounds you recorded and how to augment them. (Online sources of sound, field recording etc) 10:30 Break 10:45 Making – Pick one of the suggested challenges or create your own

  1. Create a radio commercial or bumper
  2. Tell a story using only audio effects
  3. Read a craigslist ad as a beat poem
  4. Take an open ended question and ask a bunch of people
  5. Other

12:00 Lunch

The Innovation Lab Presents: Videocamp (Part 2 P.M)

Videocamp is a workshop designed to provide the basics in video recording. Participants will learn the basics of gear, sound, lighting, story and sharing of video. Several demonstrations and hands on tasks will be utilized to empower the participants to use video in the future.

Facilitators: Jon Fulton – Video Producer, TRU Open Learning Curriculum Development Team Jon is a video producer for Thompson Rivers University Open Learning. Responsible for creating pedagogically driven media pieces for distance courses. His business card should read “Image Acquisition and Manipulation” although he also has extensive experience in audio manipulation; once creating a 3 min sound composition based entirely from a single puff of his asthma inhaler.

Bob Byrne – Curriculum Media Developer, TRU Open Learning Curriculum Development Team “Bob Byrne has been involved in distance and online learning technologies since before Al Gore invented the World Wide Web". He has worked at UVic, SFU, and BCIT, and the Commonwealth of Learning before coming to TRU in 2006. As Curriculum Media Producer, most of Bob's time is spent developing interactive elements for Open Learning courses. In this role, Bob creates media that captures the vision of subject matter experts and instructional designers. His goal is to engage students in dynamic, interactive learning environments. Bob is also responsible for managing the servers that provide media to Open Learning students.”

Rob Swanson – Producer, TRU Open Learning Curriculum Development Team Rob Swanson's previous career in BC's commercial fishing industry armed him with the necessary skills to be successful in educational media production for over ten years ...and counting. Rob worked with Knowledge Network and moved from the Open Learning Agency of BC (Burnaby) to Open Learning, Thompson Rivers University. Rob is the Producer/Director of the Media Team. Rob coordinates, scripts, interviews, and is involved in print and pre-production activities.

Technical Requirements: Resource Requirements:

Agenda 1:00 Camera Basics – What types of cameras are good for what kind of production? 1:30 Capturing the Image – What do I do with the camera? 2:30 Lighting Basics – What to know before you turn on the camera. 3:00 Sound Basics – Where does the microphone go? 3:30 Break 3:45 Putting it Into Practice - Interview techniques. 4:00 Now What? - Video sharing services and how to get video ready for the cloud. 5:00 End

Online Mapping (A.M.)

Would you like to learn how to map a hiking or mountain biking trail? Mark up a city map with notes and images? Integrate these mapping tools into your teaching/educational practice? This half-day, hands-on workshop will introduce you to some innovative educational technologies which connect space and place – online mapping tools. Learn how to use several popular tools that are now freely available to the general public, including Google Earth, Open Street Maps, ArcGIS Online, Google Maps and Scribble Maps.

Facilitator: Christina Nilsen As the Borrower and Data Services Librarian at Thompson Rivers University, Christina oversees the library’s circulation department and supports the data and statistical research needs of TRU’s students, staff, and faculty. She is the liaison librarian for TRU’s Adventure, Culinary Arts & Tourism, Economics, Geography & Environmental Studies, and Natural Resource Science departments. Christina has a BA and MA in History from the University of Victoria and a MLIS from the University of British Columbia.

Brenda Smith Brenda earned her BA and MA in History from Simon Fraser University and her MLIS from the University of British Columbia. Since 2002, she has been the Distance and Document Delivery Librarian at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, BC. She is responsible for overseeing interlibrary loans and the library’s distance services for open learning students and faculty. She is the liaison librarian for Open Learning and for the Architectural & Engineering Design, Digital Art & Design, Horticulture, and Philosophy, History, and Political Studies departments at TRU. Brenda also teaches reference services in the University of the Fraser Valley’s Library and Information Technology program.

Technical Requirements: Computer Lab with Google Earth available. Resource Requirements: No addition resources required.

Geocaching! (P.M.)

Geocaching is a modern treasure hunting game. Participants use GPS to track down hidden containers. During the first part of this session we will explain geocaching, download geocaching applications for iPhone, Android, Windows 7 and Blackberry 10 and explore some of the caches around Thompson Rivers University. During the second part of the session you will learn how to make caches to place in your local education environment. To participate, all you'll need is a device with GPS capabilities and shoes made for walking!

Facilitator: Bart Cummins Bart is a writer/photographer with the Marketing and Communications department at TRU. He has been geocaching since April 2010 and is closing in on having found 1,000 caches. For Bart, geocaching is not so much about finding the hidden treasures—though that's fun too—but about the journey getting there and back, planning routes, the scenery, seeing familiar places in new ways, exploring new locations, socializing, and the exercise and fresh air. Geocaching has often been the motivator to go for a walk, run, or drive, and to practice different aspects of photography. Technical Requirements: Computer, prjection ont a screen with audio. Resource Requirements:

Interculturalizing the Curriculum

Intercultural Dimensions in Teaching and Learning - Part 1 (A.M.) This interactive session will introduce participants to intercultural frameworks that influence teaching and learning. Through presentation, discussion, and activities participants will gain foundational understanding of the ways cultural orientations and intercultural development impact learning environments.

Interculturalizing Curriculum - Part 2 (P.M) This session will build on the morning session by considering how intercultural and global learning outcomes can enhance existing curricula. Using backwards design and intercultural and global learning rubrics, participants will work towards developing an outcome, assessment, and learning activity that provides innovative opportunities for students to develop intercultural or global competencies.

Facilitators: Dr. Kyra Garson, BA, MAed, EdD Her research interests include intercultural and global learning outcomes of undergraduate students as impacted by internationalization and Interculturalizing curriculum through faculty development. In her professional role as the Interculturalization Coordinator for The Centre for Student Engagement and Learning Innovation at Thompson Rivers University she works to enhance intercultural and global perspectives across campus. Kyra is an instructor for Queen’s University’s International Educators Training Program (IETP) and has developed and delivered intercultural and internationalization workshops for institutions nationally and internationally.

Emma Bourassa, BEd, MEd Emma has been with TRU, teaching International students for 12 years. Her research interests include the role culture plays in communication, learning and teaching. She has investigated this topic in her classes, in Mexico and in Myanmar (Burma). She is actively engaged at TRU, nationally and internationally to support faculty and students to understand how intercultural communication knowledge provides an opportunity to richen communication, teaching and learning experiences.

Technical Requirements: Internet, projector and screen Resource Requirements: Large room for activities