Documentation:Learning Environment/Archived Data and Links/Moodle Framework Notes 10/27/14

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Logistical and technical complexity makes it clear dedicated documentation process, preferably supervised by dedicated project manager. Both need to be in place ASAP. Brian Mackay has offered a project manager, Brian L. will follow up.

Tested branded theme screenshot (based on Elegance)

IT questions/scope

  • Automated student enrollment into Moodle course shells / Auto shell creation from Banner (There may be code from UVic to Assist)
  • Submission of Grades directly from Moodle to Banner (may be out of scope for proposed phase 1 implementation)
    • Grade submission from Moodle to Banner is complicated by the fact that OLFM entries into Banner (through the Portal) are the triggers for OLFM pay.
  • Currently, OL Print students cannot be enrolled into Blackboard. Can this be addressed in the new version of Moodle?
  • There is a Banner upgrade process underway with TRU IT. This proposed implementation will need to be coordinated to align with new requirements.
  • What sort of analytic data will be available from the backend? What third-party tools or plugins might assist data analysis with respect to Learning Analytics?

Course Deliver Q's

Which courses to begin?

  • May be best to begin with a paced course or two. Earliest realistic start date is May. But given demographics[??]
    • A start date of May requires paced students to begin registration in February.
  • Selection: Dual OLFM/TRUFA (if only so they can be supported in person), some experience with Moodle, willingness to experiment. Colin and Matt have a few candidates, holding off on invitations until more key details are in place.

Meeting schedule: Working Group will shoot to meet every two weeks for the foreseeable future.

For next meeting, will begin process of project documentation, off a set of requirements begun by OL Course Delivery team. Please add or edit any considerations that are relevant.