Documentation:Curriculum Services/CourseFixes

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Course Fixes

Course Fixes refers to any content issue that has arisen during the delivery of a course.

Exam Fixes

Applies to any method of delivery

  1. Please submit all issues and fixes to Notify the Exam Liaison Officer if you would like to review the modifications.
  2. Please identify the affected exam and answer key by course and form letter.
  3. Please identify the issue(s) and if it affects the exam or answer key, or both.
  4. Please provide the correction to the exam and/or answer key.

Non-Exam Fixes

Paced Course Fixes

Paced course adjustments are handled differently than Independant Study and Dynamic Web courses. Many minor fixes such as broken links, spelling errors and other basic changes can be completed by Open Learning Faculty Members.

Steps to Resolve:

Is it a Technical Issue? Contact E-Learning Facilitator Is it a Content Issue?

  1. Changes to Broken Links, Wording of Content, Typographical Errors, New Resources - You can do it yourself. Contact the E-Learning Facilitator for help.
  2. Changes to Learning Outcomes, Course Structures, Evaluation weightings, Evaluation method(s), Evaluation instrument(s), Workload, Copyrighted Material Contact Curriculum Services
Simple flow chart of paths to resolve issues in OL Paced Course

Continuous Enrollment - Web/Print Fixes

Quick Tips

Please identify the affected course container/material by name.
Please identify the location of the issue within the course material.
Please provide alternative links/videos/text when adjusting course content.
Please let us know how you have communicated assessment issues to students.

General Content Adjustments

Is it an Assessment adjustment (quiz, assignment, other)? See following section.
Where is the Issue: Container Name/Item Number and Where in the Course
What is the Content Adjustment Required: Exact text that is the issue
What is the Replacement: New content to be inserted

Assessment Adjustments

Where is the Issue: Container Name/Item Number and Where in the Course
What is the Content Adjustment Required: Exact text that is the issue
What is the Replacement: New content to be inserted
How is it being dealt with: Are students aware of issue? How have you been handling?

Note: This type of fix typically requires consultation with other areas of Curriculum Development as well as Program Delivery

Summary of Information needed to successfully start an assessment fix

Click image to enlarge/download:

Broken Links & Videos

Where is the Issue: Container Name and Where in the Course
What is broken: exact web link or video that is causing problem
What is the Replacement: New suitable link or video
Summary of Information needed to adjust broken links

Click image to enlarge/download

Fix Workflow

A simplified view of the workflow is shown below.
What is missing is the back/forth communication between the Fix Team, all Open Learning Faculty Members Involved, and other areas of Curriculum Services?

Click on image to enlarge. Summary of a OL fix work flow