Documentation:Blackboard Learn Support Resources/assignments

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Working with Rubrics

A well-designed rubric can benefit students, who can clearly see what the requirements for a particular assignment are, and also faculty who have a published standard by which they will assess each student’s work.

  • 1. You can create a rubric while you are creating an assignment, or you can edit an existing assignment to add a rubric. Under the Grading section, hover your cursor over ‘Add Rubric’ and choose ‘Create New Rubric’.
  • 2. Enter a name and description for the rubric. Overview of Rubric Details Add rows or columns. Change the rubric type. Click the chevron beside a criterion or level of achievement to edit the default titles.
  • The levels of achievement values will change depending on the type of rubric. Enter descriptors of each level of achievement in the text boxes.
  • 3. Click ‘Submit’.
  • 4. Confirm the details of the rubric in the yellow bar in the assignment details. The rubric creation screen will open in a new window.

Tip: Hover your cursor over the buttons for more options.

  • 5. Scroll down and click ‘Submit’ to save the assignment settings.
  • 6.You can access, view, manage and create rubrics by clicking ‘Course Tools’ under ‘Course Management’ and then clicking ‘Rubrics’.