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Collapsible tables provide a way to collapse and uncollapse a table when a show/hide button is clicked.

Simple example

Tables are simpler to work with, as you merely need to add the collapsible class to the table itself. For the [hide]/[show] link to appear, the table's first row must be a header row, that is, one of the cells in the first row must be declared with an exclamation mark (in wikisyntax). The use of the class wikitable in the example below is merely for appearance; it is not needed for collapsible to function.

Code entered Output produced
{| class="wikitable collapsible"
! Simple collapsible table
| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Simple collapsible table
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Using the syntax above, collapsible tables are often used to always display an introduction to, or summary of, a lengthy discussion or section of content, while hiding the majority of that content from immediate view. The summary message is put in the header cell, and the content is placed into the body cell. The content is then easily accessible by clicking the 'show' button. The collapsible functionality is also available in larger and more complicated tables, as long as there is a header cell in the first row of the table.

Code entered Output produced
{| class="wikitable collapsible"
 |A normal cell in the header row
 ! colspan="2"| Header cell spans two cols
 | colspan="2" | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
 | Separate body cell
A normal cell in the header row Header cell spans two cols
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Separate body cell

Collapsing tables by default

Just using the collapsible class produces a table which is expanded by default, but can be collapsed by the reader. It is also possible to create tables which are collapsed by default, and can be optionally expanded. There are several methods for doing this, depending on the situations in which you want the table to collapse.


Adding the collapsed class will cause the table to always be initially collapsed, no matter what happens around it. It is the simplest method for doing so. Using the examples above:

Code entered Output produced
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
! Simple collapsible table
| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
 |A normal cell in the header row
 ! colspan="2"| Header cell spans two cols
 | colspan="2" | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
 | Separate body cell


Adding the autocollapse class causes the table to collapse when there are 2 or more collapsible tables on the page (this threshold might be different on other projects). The example below, therefore, collapses because there are numerous collapsible tables on the page.

Code entered Output produced
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
! Simple collapsible table
| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Simple collapsible table
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

'innercollapse' and 'outercollapse'

Using this pair of classes, it is possible to make a table collapsed by default only when it is contained within a particular object, such as another table. This is mainly useful for tables inside templates, which are often nested.

Code entered Output produced
{| class="wikitable outercollapse"
! This table does not collapse
| But the table inside this cell

{| class="wikitable collapsible innercollapse"
! Does collapse
| Hiding this part

This table does not collapse
But the table inside this cell
Does collapse
Hiding this part

Table width

Since usually the natural width of the header is smaller than of the main content, the table' width will increase after expanding and it will "jump" around. (Also, even if the header would fit in the width of the browser window, the layout engine might divide it over two lines.) This is prevented by explicitly setting table's width, which then remains the same in the collapsed and expanded state.

Example: {| class="collapsible wikitable" style="width:34em"

Always displayed header, table has width:34em
optionally displayed text: you can see it doesn't matter at all that this is so much longer, table width has been set at 34em

Other notes

Sortable tables

Collapsible tables can be combined with the sortable tables functionality without difficulty. However, because the hide/show button is placed in the first header cell located, its positioning can look a bit peculiar if the table is not wide enough:

Code entered Output produced
{| class="wikitable collapsible sortable"
Name Score
John 59
Jane 100
Bob 72

Possible alternative is sortable table inside one-cell collapsible table, see example on the right.

See also

First draft of this page derived from: