Documentation:Intellectual Property Office/IPO Process Documentation Map

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1. TRU Fair Dealing Policy
2. Publisher Blanket Permissions
– See Blanket Permissions Folder in O drive
3. Copyright Act

Database and Record Keeping Tools


JIRA is the work-flow system for tracking requests that come into the IPO and the state of course materials (overview) and documents permission requests. Up to three JIRA records may be created for each course:

a. One for materials used under the TRU Fair Dealing Policy, Public Domain, Site License or other educational exception under the Copyright Act.
b. One for Access Copyright requests that exceed the 10% Fair Dealing policy (print) and for those transactional requests (digital and print) that exceed 20% of the third party copyrighted materials and require a separate request to Access Copyright, and
c. One for Permissions – third party materials used in course content for which we have sought and obtained permission to use the materials by means of email , letter or license, including materials used under the Blanket Licenses from several of the publishers.

Filemaker (IPODB)

Filemaker is the database for collecting and storing item specific information on third party materials which are used in the course. It contains all information necessary to locate materials within the course and all information necessary to make a permission request. It is used for both Face to Face (Campus delivered course materials) and Open Learning (Distance education) delivery methods.

a. Identifies the method used for clearing third party materials.
b. It is the main tool by which copyright credit lines are provided to production, curriculum services and instructional designers.
c. It is the tool from which a Permission Audit is completed to make sure permissions are up to date and all third party copyright materials are accounted for.


Tableau is the database which provides enrolment numbers by course. It is prepared and updated monthly by the OL Planning and Effectiveness Team. The database shows the modes of delivery for each OL course and the enrolments on a monthly basis. There is a summing tool which will give you the enrolment number over a given period; this may be necessary when applying for permissions or to complete Access Elogs and Transactional Licenses.


D4P2 is the means by which each of the departments track progress on course development and maintenance. The database is updated regularly so that other departments know how far the course has progressed in each area: development, editing , copyright, media, production. Copyright staff assigned a file by the Copyright Supervisor are responsible for entering the date assigned and other pertinent data into the D4P2 record as soon as the file is assigned. Fields must also be updated when work on the file begins, when the permissions are sent out or received, and when the file is complete and a copyright report has been sent to OLProduction and CurriculumServices.

IPO File Number Assignment Sheet

Each third party resource used in course materials is assigned an IPO File number which is the unique identifier used in the Filemaker record. These are assigned for both Face to Face/Campus and Open Learning course materials. A notation is made in the IPO File Number Assignment sheet when a number is assigned to the Face to Face Course.

IPO Form Letters and Standard Requests

(See folder in O drive for precedents)

  1. By email
  2. By letter for printed materials, illustrations, instructors resources, web material, etc.
  3. By letter requesting permission to post/stream video, youtube or similar media
  4. Rightsholder Online request forms

Access Copyright

1. Repertorie Look up tool – use this tool to check whether the third party material you seek to copy is on the exclusions list or not.
2. Permissions request form - - use this tool to request transactional licenses for materials exceeding 20% of a work or for out of print/out of stock permissions.

IPO Procedures

1. Permission Request from Campus – permission request may come directly from a faculty member or as a course pack from the print shop and is assigned to a staff member by the copyright supervisor. Permission requests are made to the mail box and should not come to a staff member directly.
2. Permission Request from Instructional Designer – permission request comes from the Instructional Designer (I.D. Lead) for new courses or courses in which a major revision is being completed. Often there is no history for a new course and the number of permissions and choice of methods of incorporating materials is flexible. This process may involve copyright staff taking on extra tasks such as sourcing imagery or multimedia requests.
3. Permission Request associated with course Maintenance-maintenance most often occurs where a textbook is no longer available or the subject content needs updating. Often most of the resources associated with the course are carried forward. The first step in working with a maintenance course is to determine what third party resources are used in the course currently and which will be carried forward. Often resources are linked to adopted textbooks and are blanket permissions so a change of text without a change to the materials in the course can trigger a permission request or a change of status to fair dealing if the amount is minimal.