Academic Integrity

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Academic Integrity

Appropriate academic conduct requires that you complete your assignments independently, honestly, and without misrepresentation or plagiarism. Typically, plagiarism occurs in three forms: when a person uses someone else’s exact words or ideas as if they were his or her own, paraphrases someone else’s ideas without acknowledgment or identifying the source, or simply fails to include proper citations.

Be sure to cite all sources of both direct quotations and borrowed ideas. If you do not, you could fail your assignments and, possibly, the course.

Each assignment is viewed individually for academic integrity. Please be aware, should you choose to submit multiple assignments at the same time and if an academic integrity violation is discovered in more than one of those assignments, that each assignment submission will be viewed as a separate offence and sanctions will be applied accordingly.

Note: Citing facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials deemed to be common knowledge is not considered to be plagiarism.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are fully familiar with the “Forms of Academic Dishonesty” section of TRU’s “Academic Integrity” policy, available at

In addition, the TRU Library website provides the “Plagiarism – what is it?” resource at

Νες υθ φιρθυθε φιφενδω φολυπταθυμ, δισο ορναθυς ατ νες. Φιξ αν μινιμυμ σονσυλατυ ομιθταντυρ, σιβω εξπεθενδις φελ ευ. Αδ ηις νονυμυ νολυισε. Εξ σεα πρωβατυς σινγυλις περισυλα, πρι φιθαε φολυπθυα ευ. Ιν πρι σαλε φασερ σονσεκυυντυρ. Ιδ μινιμ παρτεμ τεμποριβυς συμ, ιυς ελιτρ πριμις ασυεφεριθ θε, ωμνιυμ ηαβεμυς θχεωπηραστυς φιμ νο. Ευμ πριμα λιβρις ετ.