Course:OL Delivery:OTL301:Planning
Revision as of 11:13, 5 June 2014 by ColinMadland (talk | contribs)
Teaching Presence Course Cognitive Presence Course
Social Presence: Engaging and Retaining your Students
- analyze the characteristics of ‘social presence’ in an effective online learning environment
- identify factors or considerations that contribute to student engagement and retention in distance learning environments.
- evaluate and implement effective course design practices to increase student engagement and retention.
- create strategies to maximize student engagement in distance learning courses.
- quickly identify at-risk students and apply appropriate retention strategies.
- Establish 3 goals related to improving and enhancing your social presence in your courses
- reflect on your own practice and evaluate your progress towards improving and enhancing social presence.
Course Outline
Week 1 - Welcome and Intro
- Instructor to post short video
- outside activities
- how to contact? (other, later students, social media)
- Participants to post on challenges they have faced in connecting with students
- reading on social presence
Week 2-3 --
- video creation module from CMS